User Spotlight

Making AI Securely Available to the Masses with HAProxy

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Nathan Mellis

Let’s face it. The Internet is a scary place with intrusions, scraping, and attacks happening daily. At Modzy, we help developers deploy, manage, and get value from AI at scale, and we use HAProxy to protect our platform and our customers from threats lurking across the Web. In this talk, you will learn how we created a highly available and horizontally scalable HAProxy setup, how we automated our configuration management, and how we use HAProxy as a security buffer between our applications and the outside world.

Slide Deck

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Nathan Mellis Head of Engineering, Modzy
As Head of Engineering for Modzy, Nathan Mellis brings extensive software engineering expertise to advance the platform’s game-changing features and functionality. From his early days working on iOS at Apple, Mr. Mellis has led major modernization, cloud deployment, and applications development efforts.

Organizations rapidly deploy HAProxy products to deliver websites and applications with the utmost performance, observability and security at any scale and in any environment. Looking for more stories?

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