Bibliothèque de contenu

Livres électroniques
HAProxy en tant que passerelle API (FR)
Our HAProxy as an API Gateway ebook provides a comprehensive overview of how to use the HAProxy load balancer as an API gateway. Download now for free.

Livres électroniques
HAProxy dans Kubernetes (FR)
Get started using HAProxy Ingress Controller in your cluster with our ebook! Learn how to route traffic in Kubernetes with ease. Download for free today.

HAProxy 2.3: tour d’horizon (FR)
As a technical release, this version of HAProxy optimizes many low-level components, but it also adds new features users have been waiting for, including...

Livres électroniques
Le guide HAProxy pour la sécurité multiniveaux (FR)
Our The HAProxy Guide to Multi-layered Security ebook provides a comprehensive overview of HAProxy’s extensive security capabilities. Get your copy now!

HAProxy et le protocole FIX (Financial Information eXchange) (FR)
HAProxy 2.4 and HAProxy Enterprise 2.3 add support for the Financial Information eXchange protocol. This webinar will teach you how to load balance FIX servers, validate Logon messages, and more.

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